The Class Title has a limited number of characters to describe the entire class, so everything is compressed. The class title is based on the Calendar and is the most likely place we make mistakes. If there is a difference between the class title and the schedule, trust the schedule.
Our most popular class is M-F. We also run 2 days a week, almost always M/W or T/Th. Finally we tend to run Fri, Sat or Sun once a week. Occasionally we will add some other arrangement such as M/W/F.
M-F: This means Monday to Friday. This class runs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. M-F classes normally run for 10 sessions, unless there is a holiday in which case they might run for only 9.
M/W or T/Th: This means Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday. These classes run on two days per week.
Fri, Sat, Sun: This class runs one day a week, Friday only, Saturday only or Sunday only.
M/W/F: This is a rare class that runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
DATES: Aug28-Sept8: The dates are usually the first and last class. Any days that are missing, usually because of Holidays or days that Staff have requested off, will be mentioned in the class description. You will NOT be paying for these days. The cost of a class considers how many sessions it has.
TIME: 3:30-4PM. Most classes are 30 minutes. Swimmer 4 may be 30 minutes or 45 minutes. Swimmer 5-6 and Adults 1 and 2 are normally 45 minutes. Fitness is normally 1 hour. My most common mistake is writing AM or PM wrong. Classes that are 30 minutes may not have their end time listed. Sometimes there isn't room, especially for Parent & Tot which is a very long title.
COST: The cost of a class is X dollars per minute x Minutes x Number of Sessions / Number of Students rounded up. Parents and Tot classes have 1 extra student outside of this formular, otherwise all classes use this formula. This means the per-session cost is always the same.
SESSIONS: I prefer 10 sessions but because of scheduling we have classes that range from 7 to 10 sessions.
WAIT LIST: So far Wix, my provider, does NOT have a waitlist that works for bookings.
Every class has a Schedule which is based on the Booking Calendars where I program the classes. It's very rare that anything in the schedule is wrong because I can visually check it. I wish I could give customers access to the Calendar but all forms of access include the ability to create, delete and edit classes and I can't offer that ability. I had it on for 1 day and it created many problems.