Home Lessons
If you have your own pool, such as a pool at your house or permission to use the pool at your condominium, I can come teach lessons for you there. (I can not use any public pool, beach, lake or river without getting a rental agreement from them first.)
Request a Home Lesson
Please contact me with the times and dates you would like and I'll create the class on the website and send you a link to it.
The minimum time is 1 hour and I charge 80$ per hour. (Normally it's 100$. It's lower because you are providing the pool.) I have my own insurance and all the supplies needed to do the lessons. I can teach up to 3 students at a time, provided they can either all touch the bottom of the pool or they can all swim in water over their head. The situtation I want to avoid is one student who can't swim in deep water yet and another student who can because then one of them won't be getting the proper training. I'm happy to break the hour up, perhaps 30 minutes for one student and 30 minutes for the other. I can also do an overlap for certain skills.
Availability July/Aug/Sept
I'm available all morning until 1:45PM Monday to Saturday.
(July 15-19 I'm teaching mornings with CAN-Team)
(Aug 26-30 I'm teaching mornings with CAN-Team)