Mark Charke
I started teaching swim lessons in 1997 in Richmond where I worked for 15 years and logged 7000+ hours of teaching. I've since worked for Surrey, Maple Ridge and Nanaimo before leaving to start Charke Swim in 2022. I belonged to the Surrey Pacific Sea Wolves Swim Club for many years. I spent 7 years as a Volunteer Firefighter for Surrey. Besides the standard Lifeguarding awards I have held NLS - Waterpark and Waterfront, Occupational First Aid III, First Responders III, Advanced Instructors, and Firefighter 1 and I've been trained in Water Safety Instructor to teach other instructors. My school training includes Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology and Programing and my major was Literature.

Hi, I'm Cadence! I have loved the water for as long as I can remember! I spend most of my time at the pool, swimming, training, teaching others, or just having fun. My swimming career started with Synchronized swimming when I was 3, I then started competitive swimming when I was 8 with the Nanaimo White Rapids, and then with the Riptides when I was 15. I have been a provincial qualifier many times and have received many awards. I have always loved swimming, and I love sharing my passion with others even more, I believe everyone should learn how to swim in their lifetime, whether your a baby, child, teen or adult; helping people learn to swim is such a rewarding job, most of the time it doesn't even feel like a job.